Weight loss, for life.

Are you looking for the best innovative technology to lose weight permanently and effectively without undergoing surgery? The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® based on the Apollo OverStitch™ technology could be the right choice for you.

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A stomach reduction using the Apollo OverStitch™ technology is the most suitable option for patients with a nickel allergy

Many of our patients at the Weight Doctors are looking for a permanent support system to help them lose weight. Preferably without surgery, so that there are no incisions or scars. The great news: with the innovation behind the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® this is possible.

For some of our patients up until now, there was one thing standing in their way: they have an allergic reaction to nickel, which can be found in our main technology for the Weight Doctors SLEEVE®. The Weight Doctors pay high respect to the strict guidelines of our premium manufacturers and therefore ensure the patient shows no medical indication to a metal (nickel) allergy. Prior to the OverStitch™ technology, individuals with a nickel allergy would not have been suitable for the endoscopic stomach reduction.

This has now changed: with the OverStitch™ technology manufactured by the medical technology company Apollo, we’ve got all possibilities covered. Through the OverStitch™ technology, the effective method of the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® offers a further technological base to reduce the size of the stomach. Absolutely nickel free.

In fact, the Apollo OverStitch™ technology is also an effective alternative for people who do not have a nickel allergy. Patients who choose the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® are welcome to choose which of the offered technologies they prefer for their minimally-invasive and permanent stomach reduction treatment. This is of course, provided that the medical assessment performed by our specialist physicians confirm no contra-indication or cause for concern to carry out the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® treatment. This flexibility is unique to the Weight Doctors and provides our patients with the greatest possible freedom to choose a stomach reduction treatment specifically tailored to their individual needs.

Advantages of the Apollo OverStitchTM Technology

What makes the Apollo OverStitch™ technology stand out for the endoscopic stomach reduction treatment?

Experience really matters

Undergoing weight loss treatment is a big decision, often patients have considered it for years before taking the plunge. 

For a long time patients were presented only with surgical options for obesity. Whilst these options can be good, they are also invasive. Weight Doctors® recognised early on that a large potion of weight loss patients are generally healthy with a BMI lower than 50. A minimally invasive, yet powerful procedure suits these patients perfectly. 

Weight Doctors® were amongst the first European specialists to provide Endoscopic treatment for weight loss and have grown to be the largest with centres across UK, the Netherlands, South Africa, Germany and beyond. Not only that, Endoscopic treatment is our speciality and passion. 

Working with International experts such as Dr Devinder Bansi, Professor Karl Miller and Professor Jan Willem Greve soon saw Weight Doctors® at the cutting edge of endoscopic treatment and performing cases in high volume. 

Now the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® sits alongside traditional surgical weight loss methods, is approved for use within most national and medical guidelines worldwide including the U.S. and attracts around 10'000 patients each year. 

With all this said, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is an intricate procedure only to be performed by experts who carry out the procedure routinely and with an excellent clinical team. At Weight Doctors®, patients can be confident of this expert team, alongside excellent clinical facilities and industry leading aftercare. Read more about the 12 best reasons to choose Weight Doctors®.

How the Apollo OverStitch™ technology works

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® in its nickel-free version with the Apollo OverStitch™ technology, places and fastens multiple threads in the stomach at different holding points in an “O”- or “Z”-pattern, both of which pull (or, gather) the stomach tissue together. Each of these threads tightens a suture (or, sometimes referred to as an “anchor”) that runs either horizontally, i.e. circumventing the inner wall of the stomach, or vertically from the stomach’s exit to its entrance. The result: the stomach is contracted and becomes noticeably slimmer. To maximise this effect, Weight Doctors repeat this suturing technique by working towards the entrance of the stomach (“fundus”). A small reservoir of the original stomach volume is retained at the upper entrance of the stomach. The number of sutures tightened by thread can vary depending on the anatomy of the individual’s stomach and according to the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedure chosen by the patient, usually resulting between 4 and 6 threads. In other words, placing more sutures results in a tighter restriction, leading to a greater reduction of the stomach and its volume.

A gastric sleeve, almost effective as a surgical procedure

Scientific studies show that the anchors of the Apollo OverStitch™ technology help to reduce the volume of the stomach and restrict the distensibility of the stomach after eating food. This results in an earlier feeling of satiation and prolonged feeling of satisfaction (“satiety”) to facilitate weight loss. Fundamental to this is the individual’s active contribution and commitment to the procedure. This starts with following a special nutritional program for 6 weeks after the treatment. These first 6 weeks following treatment are crucial for the stomach’s healing and recovery process and the lasting effect of the therapy. According to current scientific findings, approximately 5% of patients treated do not achieve the desired weight reduction even with this method.

The procedure is performed by the Weight Doctors under general anesthesia and completed in a single endoscopic session. An overnight stay is included to ensure an optimal recovery. Following a good healing process, the effect of the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® using the Apollo OverStitch™ technology is long-lasting.

The Apollo OverStitchTM technology at a glance

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When is the Apollo OverStitch™ technology the right choice?

Carrying excess weight and especially suffering from obesity can be a significant burden on the body and the mind. Alongside this, the risk of serious secondary diseases increases. Social networks may become restricted, sometimes leading to isolation. It’s at this point that it can be most difficult to move beyond this emotional and health low point. The desire to lose weight is often strong. But the strength to get through this task alone is simply unavailable.

The Apollo OverStitch™ technology is the latest technology used at the Weight Doctors. Also known as the non-surgical gastric sleeve, it achieves a permanent stomach reduction without incisions or scars. It is applied in all Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedures when patients have either a nickel allergy or have a personal preference for this technology.

The Apollo OverStitch™ technology is only available with the Weight Doctors SLEEVE®.

The Weight Doctors team is proud of its origins in the Westfalenklinik, Dortmund. For almost two decades our minimally-invasive treatments have supported patients towards long-term, effective weight loss. The Weight Doctors have embraced this virtue, committing ourselves to technological innovation, delivering quality results, offering the gentlest methods and working with the most experienced specialists in their field. All With the goal of continuously supporting weight loss results.

What could previously only be achieved with temporary solutions or surgical procedures is now possible also possible on a permanent and non-surgical basis. That means no incisions or scars. With its unique approach, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® provides our patients with the opportunity to lose weight for the long term with a permanent stomach reduction of up to 75%. And this with only a short downtime and without the long-term restrictions to ones’ lifestyle. Together, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® based on the Apollo OverStitch™ technology, offers patients with a with a nickel allergy and those with a BMI greater than 40, the opportunity for a gentle, yet effective treatment. Learn more about the Weight Doctors.

We offer financing options for your Weight Doctors SLEEVE® with the Apollo OverStitch™ technology

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A permanent stomach reduction achieved from the inside out

The Apollo OverStitch™ technology is carried out from the inside out: entering the stomach via the mouth and esophagus. No surgical operation is required. This is possible with the help of a special system patented by the US-based medical technology company, Apollo, in which special threads are sutured to the inner wall of the stomach. At the end of the treatment, the stomach is significantly reduced in size by decreasing the volume of the stomach. With the Weight Doctors SLEEVE®, up to 75% of the original stomach volume can be reduced. Using the Apollo OverStitch™ technology, our patients experience a significantly quicker and longer-lasting feeling of satiety after eating small, reduced amounts of food..

More than 50% of excess weight can be lost within the first 6 months.

The potential to effectively lose weight with a stomach reduction treatment for the long term, and without the risk of conventional, surgical procedures has never been better than with the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® together with the Apollo OverStitch™ technology. The OverStitch™ technology is more scientifically researched than any other non-surgical method. On average, our patients lose half of their excess weight during their first six months. BMI is reduced by 1 to 2 grades, health markers improve and risk of secondary health conditions diminish.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® based on Apollo OverStitch™ technology, now offers individuals with a nickel allergy the opportunity to effectively lose excess and often pathological excess weight – resulting from a vicious cycle of yo-yo diets formed over several years. This non-surgical stomach reduction is therefore the chance to start a new, simpler, and more carefree life. Together with your personal consultant at the Weight Doctors you will learn about complementary ways to tailor your diet, exercise and lifestyle choices to your treatment. Combined together you can expect maximum, long term weight loss results with your Weight Doctors SLEEVE®.

Prof. Dr. med. Karl Miller

“Apollo OverStitch™ is highly constricting and therefore incredibly effective. I increasingly use this technology with the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® because my patients show that they lose weight gradually and effectively, therefore supporting long term weight loss.” 


The Apollo OverStitch™ technology is an innovative medical technology that is applied as part of the exclusive Weight Doctor SLEEVE® procedure. While it is the primary technology for patients with a nickel allergy, patients who otherwise prefer the Apollo OverStitch™ technology over the pose®2 Endo-Sleeve technology, can request it for their Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedure.

Behind the Apollo OverStitch™ technology, unique tools and instruments patented by the US manufacturer Apollo, are put into use to reduce the size of the stomach gently and effectively. And this performed in such a way, that the procedure is non-invasive: no incisions are made to the stomach, and therefore no scars result.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® based on the Apollo OverStitch™ technology is carried out via a gastroenterological gastroscopy. Under general anaesthesia, the specialist tools and instruments are inserted into the stomach through the mouth and oesophagus. Using these tools, sutures (also referred to as anchors), are placed and tightened to ultimately create a gathered reduction of the stomach – both vertically and horizontally. The procedure takes approximately 60 to 75 minutes, sometimes up to 90 minutes. The Weight Doctors generally plan an overnight stay in our clinic facilities for patients who choose the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® based on the Apollo OverStitch™ technology to ensure their best recovery. After being discharged, most patients fully recover after 3 to 4 days and are back to their daily routine.

To ensure the stomach reduction can take its full effect, patients are required to follow a nutritional program for the first 8 weeks following the treatment. This is vital for the stomach’s proper healing and to stabilize the sutures in the stomach.

The Apollo OverStitch™ technology is generally very well tolerated, with patients not exhibiting an allergic reaction to the materials used. Being a medical intervention however, this still carries certain risks. Temporary side effects are normal during the first few days, and sometimes first few weeks, until the body has fully recovered from the procedure.

In the rare event that complications arise, these can be treated conservatively, i.e. without further surgical intervention or operation. Bleeding from the suture site on the stomach, haematoma (blood clots) or injury to the stomach or oesophagus can occur, however with the expertise and experience of our board-certified doctors these complications are exceedingly rare.

The safety profile of the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is excellent due to it minimally invasive approach. Nevertheless, Weight Doctors hereby emphasise, that the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® in combination with the Apollo OverStitch™ technology is a medical procedure that can only be performed following a medical assessment. Carried out by one of the Weight Doctors’ specialist physicians, the medical assessment provides in-depth explanation of the procedure and assesses any medical contraindications.  We strongly recommend that our patients attend a free consultation with one of our Weight Doctors SLEEVE® specialists to best understand all possibilities, typical weight loss results, and the limits and risks of the recommended procedure.

The Apollo OverStitch™ technology is the most scientifically studied of all endoscopic stomach reduction technologies. Current medical understanding is based on the experience of over 100,000 successfully performed procedures. The Apollo OverStitch™ technology is used in almost every leading developed country in the world.

Average results are similar to those seen with the pose®2 Endo-Sleeve technology. With patients losing approximately half of their excess weight after 6 to 7 months following their Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedure with the Apollo OverStitch™ technology, one could even say results are even slightly stronger than with the pose® 2 Endo-Sleeve technology. Furthermore, results have shown that patients with a higher BMI have had slightly greater weight loss results than those with the pose®2 Endo-Sleeve. Both technologies have shown that close to 95% of all patients have significant weight loss — in the double-digit percentage range within the first 6 months. These weight loss results are not quite as high as those with a surgically placed tube stomach, such as the Weight Doctors Gastric Sleeve. Nevertheless, for many patients, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® based on Apollo OverStitch™ technology is the preferred choice due to being significantly less invasive on the body.

Most importantly, the decisive factor is how the recommended technology is implemented.  This is precisely why the Weight Doctors have developed the Weight Doctors SLEEVE®— the unique and exclusive treatment philosophy. Not only modular, but also individually tailored to the needs and goals of every patient like never before.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® proves to be an effective solution to support weight loss. As with other alternatives that can be implemented, weight loss achieved and maintained will also be largely dependent on how patients commit to and engage with the support they receive from the Weight Doctors and by means of the Apollo OverStitch™ technology.  Behavioural change, in terms of diet and exercise, is key to unlocking the full benefits of the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedure for successful, sustainable, and long-term weight loss results.

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