The pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure: the best medical approach for the treatment of obesity

The revolutionary pose® procedure, the first permanent, non-surgical treatment to reduce stomach size, has been further developed after more than 12,000 operations worldwide to now offer the full power of a surgical procedure, without the associated risks. The primary goal with pose® 2 was to develop a more restrictive method, which ultimately promotes weight loss in an even more targeted manner without compromising the outstanding safety record of the proven pose® technology from US company USgi Medical.

The result is an almost perfect symbioses: a procedure which on the one hand can be completed easily and without surgery (pose® 2 does not require inpatient care or long recovery times), and on the other hand comes amazingly close to the surgical principles of a surgically applied sleeve gastrectomy.


All the advantages of a surgical sleeve gastrectomy, but without the serious risks

The pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure, also known as the non-surgical sleeve gastrectomy, is a brand new, innovative and scar-free treatment to reduce the size of the stomach. How does it work? First, an endoscope is inserted into the stomach through the mouth, as performed in a gastroscopy. Using special apparatus; tiny anchors and special sutures, the stomach wall is initially folded along the entire length of the stomach and then sutured. This process causes two things to happen in the stomach: 1) the stomach becomes narrower, i.e. considerably narrower in width and 2) the stomach is shortened, i.e. made smaller in length. Together, this reduces stomach volume to about 40%.  The result here, is that even small amounts of food are sufficient to achieving a feeling of satiety and therefore causes the patient to eat less.

The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis during a single endoscopic session, where the patient is placed under general anesthesia. The effect of the pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure is permanent and should last for the rest of the patient’s life.

Why is the pose® 2 ENDO SLEEVE so effective?


Advantage #1
Have a reduced stomach size for good! The pose® 2 treatment can accompany you for the rest of your life. Due to the tubular reduction of the stomach, only a fraction of food volume can be consumed.

Advantage #2
The risk-reward trade-off is second to none: you have the opportunity to reduce your stomach volume by 60%, lose about 50% of your excess weight after 6 months and forego the usual risks and complications from other surgical procedures.

Never before has the downtime following a medical treatment for obesity been shorter! With the pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure you can get back to your normal routine after a long weekend.

The pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure is not restrictive. Your quality of life noticeably improves just after a few weeks.


Duration of the procedure

30-45 minutes

• Type of anesthesia

general anesthesia



Pain level

very low




after 3 – 4 days




from 293€ per month*

Experience really matters

Undergoing weight loss treatment is a big decision, often patients have considered it for years before taking the plunge. 

For a long time patients were presented only with surgical options for obesity. Whilst these options can be good, they are also invasive. Weight Doctors® recognised early on that a large potion of weight loss patients are generally healthy with a BMI lower than 50. A minimally invasive, yet powerful procedure suits these patients perfectly. 

Weight Doctors® were amongst the first European specialists to provide Endoscopic treatment for weight loss and have grown to be the largest with centres across UK, the Netherlands, South Africa, Germany and beyond. Not only that, Endoscopic treatment is our speciality and passion. 

Working with International experts such as Dr Devinder Bansi, Professor Karl Miller and Professor Jan Willem Greve soon saw Weight Doctors® at the cutting edge of endoscopic treatment and performing cases in high volume. 

Now the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® sits alongside traditional surgical weight loss methods, is approved for use within most national and medical guidelines worldwide including the U.S. and attracts around 10'000 patients each year. 

With all this said, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is an intricate procedure only to be performed by experts who carry out the procedure routinely and with an excellent clinical team. At Weight Doctors®, patients can be confident of this expert team, alongside excellent clinical facilities and industry leading aftercare. Read more about the 12 best reasons to choose Weight Doctors®.

When is the pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure the best choice?

People who suffer with excessive weight, obesity and morbid obesity experience an immense burden on the body and mind. Alongside the risk and prevalence of serious secondary diseases that follow, individuals experience considerable restrictions to their social life and social structures, sometimes even leading to isolation. At this point it becomes increasingly difficult for those affected to come out of this emotional and physical depression. Although the desire to lose weight might be high, the strength to get through this task alone is not available to them.


The pose® 2 ENDO SLEEVE procedure: exclusive to Weight Doctors

The Weight Doctors team has been helping patients regain their motivation and courage to improve their quality of life for almost two decades. We look back on thousands of wonderful moments with our patients and draw the greatest strength from the fact that they finally found their happiness again. Until now, however, we too have had to face certain limits in available medical procedures. With the pose®2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure, we’re able to break down these limits. The pose® 2 procedure is particularly suitable for patients who want to lose significantly more than 25kg or have a BMI of more than 40. In other words, it is a realistic choice for those patients who suffer the most from their weight situation. Exclusively available from Weight Doctors.

We offer financing options for your Weight Doctors SLEEVE® with the Apollo OverStitch™ technology

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The ingenious idea of pose®, taken to the next level

As the name suggests, the pose®2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure is an endoscopic technique that requires no surgical intervention. Under this method, the stomach wall is sutured from the inside, using a special anchor system patented by USgi Medical. The treatment results in the reduction of stomach volume of up to 60%. This leads to a rapid feeling of fullness even when eating small amounts of food. Patients who undergo therapy with the pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE, experience effective and sustained weight loss results.


Lose more than 50% of your excess weight after only 6 months

The chance to effectively lose weight for the long term without having to fear major surgical complications has never been as high as with the new pose® 2 ENDO SLEEVE procedure. Clinical studies prove that on average, patients lose more than 50% of their excess weight, and only after a little more than half a year. At the same time, the BMI of observed patients has been reported to drop from an average of 37 to 30.

The pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure also presents some impressive results when compared to the first-generation pose® procedure. Not only do patients lose weight about 2 – 3 months faster, they lose about 20% more of their body weight in the first year.

Our pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure offers a unique opportunity to take back control of your life. To strengthen your health and wellbeing. To start a new life that was thought to be lost. Your individual contact person at Weight Doctors is also available to help you further increase the effect of the pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure through suitable nutrition and exercise programs.

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Professor Karl Miller, MD

“The pose® 2 ENDO SLEEVE procedure finally does away with all prejudices against minimally invasive obesity treatment. There is currently no better alternative for a gentle, effective and above all, permanent, treatment to address pathological obesity.”


The pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure uses the endoscopic method and is performed during a gastroscopy under general anesthesia. The procedure usually takes 30 – 45 minutes, in rare cases 1 hour. An inpatient stay is not necessary in most cases, but the Weight Doctors team recommend a stay in the clinic overnight for observation and to ensure complete patient safety. During the first 3 weeks, a special liquid diet is recommended. The patient also receives regular coaching to gradually rebuild a normal diet without restrictions.

The pose® 2 ENDO SLEEVE procedure is a gentle procedure, well tolerated by the body. Complications are rare and can usually be treated conservatively, i.e. without further surgical intervention or operations. In extremely rare cases, patients may experience light bleeding from the sutures on the stomach, hematomas or injuries to the stomach or esophagus. In the hands of an experienced medical specialist these are rare complications.
Despite the very good safety record and minimally invasive character of the pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure, we need to stress that the procedure is still a medical treatment that requires complete medical education and determination of medical conditions by a specialist doctor. We invite you to book a free consultation with our pose® 2 specialists at Weight Doctors.

The pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure is a new endoscopic procedure, developed from the innovative technology of the pose® procedure: a treatment which has already been carried out over 12,000 times worldwide.

Even when comparing it to the successful pose® procedure, the pose® 2 procedure has already achieved significantly higher weight loss in patients. On average, observed patients have lost more than 50% of their original excess weight after 6 to 7 months. Nearly 95% of all patients lose significant body weight in the first 6 months, i.e. in the double-digit percentage range. The pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE procedure does not quite match the success rates of a surgically placed tubular sleeve. However, considering the higher risks and the longer recovery times for such methods, the pose® 2 ENDO SLEEVE procedure is the stronger choice. Our team has seen the most success with this method when patients show a strong commitment to their therapy and who follow recommendations for nutritional counseling and exercise.

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